Thursday, March 13, 2008

Larry has had a couple of good days now. Thank God!! We found out today that the pneumonia has cleared up enough to start the chemo on Friday, and we're all so relieved! He is still having quite a bit of pain and they are continuing to regulate that. He is off all of the IV's except the one for the antibiotic that they continue to administer. All of his pain meds are now oral and he's adjusting to them. They are trying to keep the pain at a minimum and at the same time try to keep him as alert as possible. It's nice to actually carry on a conversation with him now.

He asked me to thank all of you who have visited with him. He said he realizes it's not easy to sit with him since he continually drops off to sleep and it's often in the middle of something he's saying. I also appreciate the visits.

The plan is for Larry to come home sometime next week - hopefully by Tuesday. He's definitely better than he's been, and we're trusting that he will continue to improve.

1 comment:

Meme said...

I am so grateful to the Lord that this is a good report! Hooray! You are in our thoughts and prayers. Carolyn and Ed