Saturday, March 1, 2008

There's been a bit of a set back. Larry was not able to come home Friday as expected because he's still in so much pain. They've put him on a pain pump, so we're hoping that will help. They've also had to put him on oxygen in order to help him breathe.

I woke up Friday with the flu so they will not let me visit him. The timing couldn't be worse. I'm getting all the information from my mom and Aunt Judy (don't know what we'd do without them!!). I speak with Larry numerous times throughout the day and night and he doesn't sound good, but I realize that the pain meds certainly affect that.

The good news is that the radiation treatments on his leg were finished up yesterday. They saw some new growth on the xrays and we're very thankful for that!

He will remain in the hospital throughout the weekend and then be re-evaluated on Monday.
Please continue praying that the chemo treatments can begin on Monday or Tuesday and we will have no further delays.

1 comment:

Andrew said...


It was really good to see you today at the hospital. I had wanted to pray with you before you left, but since you needed to eat, I thought I would tell you that I’ve been praying for you a lot. I also thought it might be encouraging to you if I include here just a small part of what I am praying for you:

Jesus, it is hard to know what to think and even to know what to pray for Larry. I can’t imagine all of the hurt and confusion that he and his family are feeling right now, but I thank You that Larry has a relationship with You. And, Jesus, it’s because he has that relationship with You that I can ask You that he and his family will know that your peace is guarding their hearts and their minds. Just like You did with me when I was diagnosed with my cancer, I ask You to please cover them with your perfect peace, even though they are facing such big challenges. May they hear You as You speak peace and comfort into their hearts and still all the fears and worries that try to make them afraid. And as You hold them through each minute of this journey, may they know You more completely and experience Your love in wonderful ways that they have never imagined. Please heal Larry. Thank You for Your deep love that is faithful through any problem Larry and his family face. Amen.

Larry, Ruth and I are here for you, Terri and your boys. Please call us anytime you need something – anytime.